Thursday, January 19, 2012

we finally made it to the zoo!

we tried going a few months ago but turned back when we couldn't get a parking lot because the carpark was closed. then after, mrs s grand plan was for us to go with the two yee mas and the two cousins. however, as leanne was down with hfmd, we got to scrape the plan.

we finally made it the saturday before sy and joyce left. however, we forgot to download the old photos and the memory card was full after a few shots.

our super trooper walked all by herself throughout the outing- about 6 hours! yay!

btw, this is her all time favourite outfit

waiting for the splash safari show

wow, close view of the kangaroos, we even some one hopping...

enthralled by the kangaroos
i want to come to the zoo everyday!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Ms Leanne looks like a young lady now! She seems really excited about the animals, I love the last picture!
