Tuesday, January 31, 2012

happy 3rd birthday

This year, we felt that leanne was ready for her own birthday party and decided to save on her Christmas and birthday present and throw her a cupcake party instead. We celebrated one day in advance as leanne's birthday fell on the eve of lunar new year. leanne chose the purple (her favourite colour) party bag. these are for the babies.

party bag for the small toddlers

party bag for the older children

mr s and leanne looking happy and contented. the top with the golden wings was a recent gift from sy yeema. mrs s went on a desperate hunt on the day of the party to look for a matching skirt and found one that leanne wore when she turned one.
looking pretty at the afc sudio while waiting for her guests to arrive

when can we start?
finally chef wendy and chef karly started the baking party

fully attentive to every word

finally a glance at mrs s

let me do it myself

leanne and brandon admiring the ice cream birthday cake while waiting for the cupcakes to bake

still admiring the cake

didn't manage to take any photo of leanne doing the cupcake decoration as mrs s was too caught up watching leanne do it

leanne was extremely pleased with her creations

this is her self stylized 'cute' pose

still happy enough to give another pose with her cupcakes

ok, i need to taste it now!


thank you all for coming!

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