Saturday, January 14, 2012

cupcake baking

leanne has been watching lots of cupcake decorating on the ipad and she has been pretending to be decorating cupcakes at her kitchen stove. when sy yee ma heard about this, she got leanne a little apron and cupcake baking set complete with piping bag and nine different nozzles all the way from sydney!

our little leanne was so happy and was fully attentive when we had our little cupcake session.

step 1: leanne in her apron with her spatula

mix the flour and water

blend in the butter

prepare the piping bag

colouring to the frosting

when can we stop this photo taking???

putting the frosting into the piping bag

lips pursed in concentration

by leanne

this is really important

feeling smug about her creations

oh, it's yummy!

when you wish upon a star...

thank you to the yee mas, joycelyn jie jie and benjamin gor gor.

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