Sunday, January 16, 2011

long overdues

this is a long overdue update of our little missy, a little bit of catching up of her world in 2010, and a long overdue gathering of the family-sf yee ma, uncle frederick, benji gor gor, sy yee ma and joycelyn jie jie being back for christmas.

All of us together with kau fu, kum mo, brandon, brian (formerly referred to as some more brandon by leanne) and aunty brian went to bintan langoon resort for three days before christmas. it was nice to have our own private villa and little swimming pool that leanne kept asking daddy to go swimming. This is the third time we brought leanne to the pool and at the end of the third day, mr s told me that she was floating on her own with the help of her two little arm floats. leanne really enjoys the pool i remember the first time she went to the children pool with the water slide at parc emily, she demonstrated no fear of the water other than the shock of the cold water when she first took to the water.
other than that, the massage at the pavilion facing the beach was so relaxing, much better than the hotel indoor spa. guess nothing beats having a massage facing the sea with the sea breeze ...............bliss...

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