Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Leanne's 2nd Birthday

We did not get as many pictures as we'd like on Leanne's 2nd Birthday.

We started the day with a pancake breakfast at Macker's (not proud) and then headed to Jake and Tess' birthday bash at East Coast Parkway Polliwogs. Leanne was overwhelmed by the colour balls and stayed in that pen for almost the entire duration (photos to come). She also could not believe that we were not even batting an eyelid at her lunch offering of pizza, deep fried chicken chunks, chips, sandwich, orange squash, two types of birthday cake and ice cream!

She went from mains to cake and back to mains and then ice cream and then back to mains ... Nick Bailey witnessed the whole feasting sequence and wondered aloud about the quality of her meals at home! I think she has had enough bland porridge!

Later that evening we celebrated Leanne's birthday properly with a family gathering. Photos of her swimming to come. She does like the water ...

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