Monday, January 17, 2011

the bad germs

Plaque and dark stains have started appearing on leanne’s teeth. We brought her to see auntie Margaret but because she is so young, there isn’t much she could do.
According to auntie Margaret, leanne is one of those unfortunate kids where bacteria grow easily in their mouth.
Hence, we could only cajole leanne to brush her teeth at home. Leanne would say auntie Margaret say brush the molars and she would also attempt to copy benji kor kor the way he brushes his front teeth. However, most of the time, leanne would be sucking the toothpaste and biting the toothbrush.
Sometimes when the cajoling doesn’t work, I would resort to force accompanied with lots of screaming and protest from leanne. This usually happens in the morning and before bedtime..I feel really bad that leanne’s day has to start and end so badly. I’m always filled with guilt and felt I should have done a better job when she was younger and be more vigilant with her oral care.
One morning after another episode, as I was carrying her and walking towards the car, in our morning routine, I told leanne that mommy was sad. She looked at me and said ‘sorry mommy’. These were the sweetest words I’ve heard.

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