Saturday, August 9, 2014

leanne plans for her pocket money

we were at ion the other day and leanne saw h&m. she asked if we could go in and i asked why. she said she wanted to try the kock kock shoes (they have children shoes with heels). after agreeing that she was to look only and we were not to buy any, we went into the shop. she read the kids sign and directed us towards the kids section.

there, she tried on a pair after another, without failing to ask "nice or not". after a while, she said matter of factly that she could wear the kock kock shoes when she is seven. curious, i asked why. she said she would have pocket money then. i recalled that i brought her to the primary school canteen and showed her the food stalls and told her about the pocket money that we would give her to buy food from the stalls herself during recess.

so i told her, the pocket money was for her to buy food during her recess breaks. her immediate answer was that she would save some of the money for the shoes!

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