Thursday, July 18, 2013

sydney part 1

It was rainy and miserable the weekend we arrived at Sydney but it still didn’t dampen our spirit to visit surrey hills and the contemporary arts museum at the rocks. At leanne’s request, we bought a kaleidoscope for her at the shop. She put it to her eye and started saying “ shiver me timbers!”. i didn’t even know this phase :P She said she learnt it from peppa pig.

 we drove most of the time and Leanne got to catch up on her sleep during the rides...
We also went to the Sydney fish market on Sunday morning and had lots of seafood. It was hard to get a parking lot and even harder trying to get seats. So no pics as we were busy tucking in to our seafood platter, lobster noodles, fresh oysters, sashimi and abalone sashimi!

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