Thursday, September 10, 2009

leanne and her little friends

we had two little visitors with their daddies and mommies last weekend. leanne was curious about her two friends and kept reaching out for them....

Little xi yue came with hui hui and tze bin. the last time we saw xi yue was more than a year ago and he was still tiny. i remember we had dim sum together in london chinatown. think the place is called imperial china...the one with the courtyard entrance. now xi yue is walking and busy exploring....

little megan came on sunday with chris and yl. megan is about two months older and has sweet little dimples and a happy smile. she settled in our place very quickly. it was lunch time for leanne and leanne was on her best behaviour eating her porridge with minimal fuss in front of the visitors. megan thought that the food must be yummy and decided to have a go as well. the two babies were sitting next to each other and opening their mouths as big as possible....

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