Monday, July 9, 2012

supertrees_lights on

mr s project is finally opened to the public and we made an impromptu visit to see the supertrees light show last friday.leanne was thrilled with the surprise outing and was busy snapping photos of her daddy's super tree.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I think children have a lot more empathy than we thought they would have. Leanne, at three and a half, would tear when she watches a sad scene on tv.
She is into watching Korean dramas!!! Thanks to mommy dearest :-P. There was a scene in the Korean drama showing the back of a woman walking alone in the dark and Leanne asked ‘mommy, when is she so sad?’
Yesterday, we were watching national geographic. It showed the mother giraffe protecting her baby giraffe from the lions. The mother giraffe trampled on her baby while trying to fend off the lions and upon realizing that her baby had died, the mother giraffe left and the lions came back to feast on their prey. Leanne asked me what happened to the baby giraffe and after I explained to her, she broke down in tears and started howling and said ‘ the mommy will be so sad’… our little darling.