Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mrs S in Hong Kong

Little Leanne had her 5-in-1 injection on Saturday and she was her usual trooper self. She exclaimed 'Pain!' when she was poked and asked the paediatrician to check her other ear after she had her right ear checked. The doctor reassured us about her backwards pronounciation of 'bottle' (the-bot), 'button' (the-bun), 'water' (the-wat) saying that she probably finds 'the' easy to say and so says it first. She added that in fact, she has never met a 20 month old who would ask for the other ear to be checked and who would express the pain as a word rather than screams and wails. She was impressed with how aware and communicative Leanne was. Coming from a very experienced paediatrician who had 3 HUGE diamond rings as proof, we can't help but feel a certain glow of pride.

On Sunday, Mrs S flew off to HK on business. During Night no.1 without her dearest mummy by her side, Leanne woke up just after midnight crying for mummy. Mr S picked her up and reminded her in the most soothing voice he could muster that "mummy is in Hong Kong for work but she'll be back. She will always come back for you ...". Sleep resumed when I let her sleep on mummy's side of the bed because she asked. She turned 90degrees and kicked daddy of the bed at least twice.

In the morning, when Rolin and Mr S's mum asked Leanne where mummy was, she actually replied "Hong Kong!" Isn't she amazing? I must have only said it to her five times during the night.

We'll see how Night no.2 turns out. Wish me luck!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

and covent garden too!

mr s monmouth coffee

leanne's neals yard cheese

mrs s favourite lunch shop

the lovely cath kidston that we could go everyday...

mrs s local pub when at kpf

leanne loves her shoes

leanne loves shoes...whenever we enter a shoe shop, she would immediately sit on the floor and start taking off her shoes and socks to try on the shoes on display. think it's genetic :P
from trying on mama's in the apartment
to the trotters for little kids like her

red pumps in office

a proper try on of the brown suede in selfridges

daddy ah!!! i think this is it!

amongst the three of us, leanne has four new pairs, mr s three and mrs s two only....

beautiful hyde park

leanne in hyde park

run run run....mama!

hey, what's up? faster!

jean nouvel serpentine pavilion

how about a coffee?

contented leanne and daddy

london aug 22- sept 4 2010

after two years, we finally did what we always wanted to do. we took leanne to hyde park. she was busy running around, chasing after the little birds and the pigeons till the swans and ducks started coming after her at the round pond.